Unofficial Mac Genius
Originally posted by mindbend
Sim, the troll I was referring to was myself, since I know how you prefer Appleworks over Office.
All your points about MS's illicit practices are fine and legitimate, but here's the problem. It all boils down to sour grapes because, as DeNiro so eloquently said in "Copland", "You [Apple] blew it!" We all know the history, Gates begged/warned Apple what would happen back in the early/mid eighties. Apple ignored him.
As for MS's current position regarding the "force" factor, the public has always had a choice, they unfortunately have just made the wrong one. We, as Mac users, have been choosing the "right" option all along. Kudos to MS for suckering everyone in. Business is ugly.
p.s. I truly believe Apple is on course to do some heavy damage over the next few years. We should expect to see them double market share within two years and gradually sneak up from there to maybe 15-20%. Maybe a bit optimistic, but hey, such is the life of a Mac addict.
OK, good. A small misunderstanding there.
I just get really passionate about this topic, because here in my dorm I sent out an e-mail about Microsoft's conduct (how they threatened to pull Windows from the market should the sanctions be imposed), and people here are actually DEFENDING Microsoft, saying that the sanctions would force Microsoft to do that. I can't BELIEVE that some of them can't see through Microsoft's transparent arguments.
While none of this has to do with the question at hand, it does have to do with why I hate Microsoft with a passion.
I'm not a Mac troll, and if one thinks that Windows is truly a better product, then I'm not one to say that you shouldn't use it. But I want to make sure that all of these Windows users KNOW what the Mac has to offer and to make an INTELLIGENT choice, not to just be ignorant of the other platforms. AND I want them to know exactly how the company they are buying products from is acting. If Microsoft's illegal behaviors don't bother them, that's their problem, but I just want to make sure that they KNOW of these behaviors.