Thinkpad 760cd


So i just picked up a Thinkpad 760CD, it can be used for linux and a lot of fooling around, if anyone would like it and wants to pay shipping, i will take any offer over 50 dollars. it has 80 mb of ram i think, from a 2-3 gig harddrive, cd-rom drive. I did a diagnostic yesterday and everything check out. Anyone wants it just put a bid up. I know it is not a mac but i decided to give it a try her

What is the display resolution and the processor speed? If I was interested it would need to be a 1024x768 display. 800x600 is just too small for OPENSTEP (which is what I would be using it for if I was interested). Linux can be okay at 800x600, but most distros and apps would need a faster processor (you can get away with a 90-120 MHz Pentium in OPENSTEP, but a 166 MHz would be pushing it for Linux/OpenOffice or even Solaris 7/StarOffice 5.1).