Thinks I don't like about 10.4


Here is my (humble) list of things (so far) that I don't like about 10.4

1) There aren't $129 worth of upgrades in this OS (I wish I could return it)
2) Wireless issues (locations don't work automatically)
3) Odd PDF viewing behavior (instead of normal size pages they look like skinny brochure pages and have to be manually zoomed in all the time)
4) Odd placement and use of the PDF writing (it used to be one button, but now there's a drop down list, okay more options I know, but it's suppose to be a simple function and should stay that way in the button)
5) Dashboard is very nice looking but not very useful because it doesn't stay on the desktop. Konfabulator may be a hair less artistic but it's 100% more useful because it stays on the darn desktop!

(to be continued)
On the surface Tiger doesn't seem much better than Panther, but underneath there are a ton of improvements that aren't quite as tangeble as things like spotlight. I definitely feel that tiger is worth it, my iBook feels like a whole new computer.

I have never used Konfabulator, but I had the impression that the whole idea of an app like this is to make it so all these little applications aren't cluttering up the desktop. Otherwise what is the point? You could just have a bunch of applications open, like calculator or itunes... because it has a built in contorller that sits on your desktop. Dashboard gives you the ability to have a bunch of applications open that are easy to access and don't clutter up the desktop.
1) There aren't $129 worth of upgrades in this OS (I wish I could return it)

The operating system comes with 200+ new features, all well done. Spotlight is nice, Dashboard is not necessary but a nice complement, QuickTime 7 is cool... If Tiger would have cost € 400 I would have bought it. My opinion is, that Tiger is well worth the money!
davevi said:
Here is my (humble) list of things (so far) that I don't like about 10.4

1) There aren't $129 worth of upgrades in this OS (I wish I could return it)
2) Wireless issues (locations don't work automatically)
3) Odd PDF viewing behavior (instead of normal size pages they look like skinny brochure pages and have to be manually zoomed in all the time)
4) Odd placement and use of the PDF writing (it used to be one button, but now there's a drop down list, okay more options I know, but it's suppose to be a simple function and should stay that way in the button)
5) Dashboard is very nice looking but not very useful because it doesn't stay on the desktop. Konfabulator may be a hair less artistic but it's 100% more useful because it stays on the darn desktop!

(to be continued)

Well, I have to disagreed with you. First of all you need to setup with wireless after that work perfect. Have you check more widget? PDF work fine and maybe you need to fix preference. I am very happy with Tiger since I have G5 and Tiger is 64 bits software that made it real fast! :D
Lemme see what I think about those...

1) There aren't $129 worth of upgrades in this OS (I wish I could return it)
I must say, I think there are enough new features in this OS. I think it depends on a personal view about this.

2) Wireless issues (locations don't work automatically)
They do work for me. Beautifully. I hear about people having problems, but I don't have those, working with at least 3 different WiFi networks, one is open, the others need pw's.

3) Odd PDF viewing behavior (instead of normal size pages they look like skinny brochure pages and have to be manually zoomed in all the time)
That, too, doesn't happen here.

4) Odd placement and use of the PDF writing (it used to be one button, but now there's a drop down list, okay more options I know, but it's suppose to be a simple function and should stay that way in the button)
Yeah, I don't like the way that button is a menu. But maybe they'll fix that at some point...

5) Dashboard is very nice looking but not very useful because it doesn't stay on the desktop. Konfabulator may be a hair less artistic but it's 100% more useful because it stays on the darn desktop!
Konfabulator uses 100% more CPU power, because it's always running - unlike Dashboard, which only uses a little CPU when active. I like Dashboard much, much more.

(to be continued)
Yes. Certainly. :)
Well, I for one am GLAD that there's no widgets all over the screen all the time. That would make them completely useless. I have a 19 inch screen and most things I run at the full size of the screen like Safari, etc. If there were these widgets all over the screen all the time then I'd have much less screen space.

Maybe if you have a 30 inch cinema display then you can have half of it filled with widgets but that's the only way.

What's the reason you need to have a calculator or weather widget on the screen 100% of the time? I can't think of any. Dashboard is there just to have quick access to things, not to have annoying little things running all over your screen taking CPU cycles for no reason.
I would also say that all the underlying improvments to the system that make it run faster is worth the money.

$129 is worth it for me, even though I got it for $102 Canadian with edu. discount.

I didn't even have to add my printer to the printers list. I just had it turned on and went into the printer manager app(whatever it's name is I can't recall) and it was already there. This was on an clean install not upgrade or archive and install. That was pretty cool.
ill have to agree with the captain on the widgets. At first when i read that they wouldnt be ON the screen, i was a little turned off, and a little reminiscent of konfab days gone by. But after using them for the first day or so, I dont miss them not being there. I dont use a huge screen so real estate is essential and run things in full screen as well. One button and they zoom into place, again and theyre gone. Probably the ONLY widget I miss not attached to the screen is the iTunes widget. But this is easily solved by a little Apple-Tab to the app switcher (iTunes is minimized to the smallest anyway which is like a widget! ;) ).
I like it all, but, of course, I have had no problems. I agree that things seem a bit faster--e.g., Safari, repairing permissions and disk. Spotlight, dashboard and RSS are useful. My network and printers all work well given a tad of fiddling around. It seems easier to get my AX back when it disappears, as it does frequently, from its "joined" network. I have 1.25 GB of memory and,thus, given that I am an easy rider on my iBook, I never had many pageouts. Now, I am having zero. Tiger definitely is worth the price to me although it has not changed my life in a significant way. Also, I wouldn't want to be left behind.
davevi said:
3) Odd PDF viewing behavior (instead of normal size pages they look like skinny brochure pages and have to be manually zoomed in all the time)
The same thing happened to me at first, but it's quickly remedied by a trip to the menu bar: View -> PDF Display -> Continuous. Then that will make the "Zoom to fit" option zoom to fit the WIDTH of the page rather than the entire page. This used to be two distinct options in Panther (as it should be, IMO; Bad Apple! No cookie!), but the functionality is all still there.
It's instant for me, as in I type and things start to appear as soon as I have pressed the keys. And thats on an iMac G3 :)
Lt Major Burns said:
any tips for speeding it up yet?
It probably all depends on what you consider lightning fast. Spotlight is certainly faster than Find By Content was in previous versions of OS X. (In fact I never got FBC to work properly in Panther.)

As a speed trial, I just searched for string on my G4/1.25 MDD with three internal HDs and an external Firewire 400 drive. I don't know, nor do I want to know, how many files and folders are actually indexed but given there may be close to 2,000 files in a single application, I can promise the number of indexed files among the four drives is huge.

I chose a string I knew would appear in file names, folder names, and embedded in text on all four drives. According to my stopwatch, the display started displaying, and modifying, in under a second and the search completed, or at least the display completed updating in less than 10.45 seconds with 156 hits. Instantaneous no, but to my way of thinking, that is lightning fast.

The only suggestions I can think of to speed up your Spotlight search would be:
  1. Faster processors, preferably dual G5s
  2. More RAM
  3. Faster hard drives - possibly a RAID 0 array implemented in hardware, not software.
  4. Drastically reducing the number of files on your system
maybe my expectaions were too high. :( steve jobs is a master of spin. since you put it like that, i suppose it is very fast, and very powerful. i had bad experiences with spotlight at first (my drives wouldn't index properly, and didn't tell me they hadn't)

the only thing i don't have (see sig.) but am intrigued about is raid. i thought that was only server stuff. what's the theory?
Lt Major Burns said:
the only thing i don't have (see sig.) but am intrigued about is raid. i thought that was only server stuff. what's the theory?
The best explanation I have found for the various levels of RAID, and their plusses and minuses is here. Note that while RAID level 0 and level 1 can be implemented in software (including Panther and Tiger) all RAID levels perform better when they are implemented in hardware. Another factor is AFIK none of the various drive maintenance utilities such as TechTool Pro, DiskWarrior, or even Disk Utility support RAID drive arrays. Micromat has indicated that might come about in a future release of TechTool Pro (TTP 5?) but for now you are on your own.

Granite Digital has a nice 3.2 TB RAID 5 system for only $4,995 :rolleyes: For $$5,999 you can get Apple's 1 TB RAID array and for $12,999 you can run that up to 5.6 TB. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

There are, of course, smaller capacity and less expensive systems available.
Spotlight works pretty fast for me....I don't know about lighting fast, but it is pretty darn close...
Hmm... I think how it's constantly updating, moving results around in the list is most awful. More than once I've shortly seen the file I was looking for, only to find that result moving to the "more..." crew a split-second later. Frustrating UI design. Sure, it _looks_ like it's faster, but if we have to wait until it's finished, anyway (because clicking could lead to you opening something completely different from what was in the list a moment ago), I'd rather have Spotlight tell me it's done searching than watch the list update...