Yes I did Ed. It was great! I love the history channel. And I love American History. The show is a bit long, but it covers Washington to the death of Adams and Jefferson, so most of the subject matter could not be removed. It was a great refresher course for me.
I have always been of the mind that we have much to learn from our past. Not of a strategic lesson mind you, but a human behavioural lesson. While it's important to not live in the past, we still can learn from it.
I can't help but be amazed how we have lived off the strengths of the few people who took on the most powerful empire in the the world. Then, to think, they created a form of government that had never been tested before... And it worked.
Youre right about the ad, if such a simple ad requires this much explaining, the Ad Agency dropped the ball on the development of it. Although I cant see where, maybe the caption isnt big enough?
I've been on the boards for a while now. I've been somewhat dormant. I belonged to a few other boards so my posts were spread between three or four sites. I enjoy writing and sharing opinions in a debate format, so I decided I had to pick the board that I liked best and primarily post there. was an easy choice, because I held a high regard for the people were apart of its community.
And it's only natural to do so. In fact, ANYbody who is just plain well-known for ANYthing will get made fun of. Britney Spears, Mick Jagger, Siskel and Ebert, George W. Bush... if you're well known, you're fodder. It's just one of the bad things about being famous.
On a completely different note, I think George W. Bush is perceived as not-so-bright because he IS not-so-bright.
Now, you may make fun of Bill Clinton because he was an over-sexed president who did naughty things in the white house. Heck, I don't blame you. But.... (and I've forgotten where I've heard this... I suppose it might not be true, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is...) Dolphins and Humans are the only animals which have sex simply for pleasure, not to reproduce. I think there might be a correlation between intelligence and sex-drive... Clinton may have been an over-sexed president, but he was an intelligent speaker and strategist.