Thumbnail image-browser for OSX?


It blows my mind that Apple has not added a thumbnail view to Finder...Its actually easier to browse photos in XP!

I really need to be able to browse a folder using thumbnails. Is there any such monster available for OSX? I know there are tons of viewers and album apps (like iPhoto) but those will not work. I need something like Adobe Bridge but without the overhead (When its universal I am sure it will work fine but for now its just too slow).

Any ideas?

thanks all,

I really need to be able to browse a folder using thumbnails. Is there any such monster available for OSX? I know there are tons of viewers and album apps (like iPhoto) but those will not work.
So you want an image browser but nothing anyone suggest will work...

Sorry, but what are you asking for? :confused:

Personally, I've been using Curator for image browsing since Mac OS X was first released. It does exactly what I need (which is let me browse my folders for images and drag-n-drop those images into any app I need). I would suggest it, but you've already stated it won't work.
Ok...let me clarify. If I have to "add" photos to it, it won't work. That is an album app, not a browser. I work at an ad agency where I need to pop in a clients CD full of photos and sort through them quickly. I work on a MacBook Pro so it needs to be universal and I would prefer it be a small program without a lot of features so its fast (like XP's thumbnail view).

ImageBrowser looks like it might be just what I was looking for. It's not Universal but it is simple enough that that might not matter. Thanks for the link :)
So you want an image browser but nothing anyone suggest will work...

That is not what I said at all. How could I shoot down suggestions before any have even been made? I am asking for suggestions because I have not been able to find an app that matches what I need and realize that 1000+ heads are better than one when it comes to knowing things like this.

I am not sure if its a language barrier or what but you took my post completlely out of context...
It blows my mind that Apple has not added a thumbnail view to Finder...Its actually easier to browse photos in XP!

They did! Under the View menu, select Show View Options and check the Show Icon Preview box. Now images will display thumbnail icons. Check Show Item Info and you'll see the dimensions of the images, too. Sounds like exactly what you want.

(Oh, and I feel your pain to a degree. A few years ago, I downloaded about a dozen image viewers, none of which fit my needs. In the end I wrote my own! It's amazing that with so many programs out there for this one simple task, none filled my seemingly-simple requirements. Go figure. It can certainly be frustrating.)