thumbnail previews of video's on video ipod - where are they?


Ministry of Re-Education
I spent like 4 hours converting my home movie library over to mp4's. Now I have about 300 short movies from DV and from my digital camera on my video ipod. the only problem is I can't see small thumbnail preview versions of my movies, all I have are 300 generic titles. Can I turn on a movie thumbnail mode or is Apple really that dingy? itunes shows the thumbnails just fine, why not the same for the ipod?

Straighten me out.

BTW, I haven't visted this forum in quite some time, and with all due respect, what the hell is this generic-looking nasty clunky new format with all the bewildering advertisements. It was way better when it was user supported. Everybody's cashing in on the new click boom before that bubble pops and it's totally annoying.
You mean like how the photos are set up in albums? I like that. I don't think it should be a 5 by 6 grid like the photos, maybe 4 by 5.
yeah how it's set up in iphoto albums. Also when you add mp4 video's to itunes, it stores them like an ipoto album, which is cool. But instead on the ipod, it only shows the name of the file - no preview image - which totally bites! Fix this Apple, firmware update, c'mon this is lame.
As far as I know, it only shows titles just like the previous generations of the iPods (Im excluding the color and photo ones since Ive never used those.) Personally I dont see what's so hard about actually coming up with a nice naming scheme in order to organize your movies better both on the iPod and iTunes. I dont see how a thumbnail can be more effective than a good title. It's just one frame.