Tiger and FontExplorer X


Anyone work with FontExplorer X? I'm having problems that I can't get an answer to.

Helv and Helv Bold are resident system fonts. When I try to import/add my Helv library with like about 30 faces, I get an error message not allowing me to do so because of the existing fonts. Since the existing fonts are system fonts they cannot be turned off, hence none of my other Helv faces load.

Any solutions? I've contacted Linotype with no response. Checked out their "UnOfficial" Forum - no responses. I stuck.

Looks like I'll have to purchase a good font manager for Tiger. Any suggestions there? I trying to start a freelance business and cash is tight so be gentle, please.

Don't trash Linotype just yet. Go to FontBook and turn off any non-system required Helvetica fonts. Then go to Linotype and try to activate them. Make sure Linotype isn't just conflicting with itself too. You could have different Helveticas loaded in different subdirectories you've created in Linotype...
Really sorry about the delay in getting back to you. Here's what I have: Trashed Fontexplorer and all the related files that I could find, still have problems understanding OS X.

I have no Helvetica in FontBook. And System>Library has HelvLTMM, Helvetica LT MM, and Helvetica.d font. The User>Library>Fonts has no Helvetica. As the Library has none.

Spotlight showed no unexpected results either.

About ready to purchase a font manager. Don't really want to spend the $100 plus, but got to have one that works. Sure bugs me, though. Can't be this hard for just me. works else where. I've gotta to be doing something wrong that isn't that hard.

Thanks again.
You don't need a new font manager, but you do need to get Helvetica back into your system folder. Did you delete or move it at some point? It's possible...

HD/System/Library/Fonts should have Helvetica.dfont (and others). Do a search for this font and make sure it's in this location. If not, then move it and activate it using FontBook (you'll have to "Add Fonts" and add that Helvetica.dfont to your FontBook list.

Once your Helvetica is back again, go back to Linotype.com and redownload FontExplorer. Save that $100+. :)