Tiger CD not opening on a G4


no matter what I do I can't get my Tiger CD to open up after restart, the G4 computer won't recognise it at all. I have a DVD drive installed, so does anyone know what's gone wrong?
Thank you.
Is the disk scratched or dirty? Is it an original disk or a copy? Does the G4 boot from an OS 9 CD?
"open up after restart" ... hmm... So you _did_ choose to boot from the CD? (Is it a CD or a DVD, btw.?) By holding down the "C" key? Or by starting the installer from the CD/DVD in the first place? Or do you mean that on the desktop it doesn't "open up"?
I have tried booting from the DVD by holding down the "C" key and also by starting from the installer in the first place. I have also tried selecting the DVD as the start up disc in Control Panels but nothing works, all I get is a continuing black screen.
you got stiffed. its a prerelease copy of tiger, for apple retailers to have it installed and ready on demo macs right when it was released. after a certain date it will no longer boot. i had a buddy that had this happen to him, and when we went to a local retailer to find out why this tiger disk wouldn't boot, thats what they said after looking at the disk. bum deal bud.
I have never heard of this "pre-release" deal. While it's entirely possible, all one would have to do is turn back the clock on their computer to make it work.
only that they "phone home" as soon as the computer is plugged into a network. the guy i bought my g4 from was working at a mom/pop apple shop at the time of tiger's release, and asked him about it, and he comfirms that they had a copy like that.
it was to ensure that it wan't being installed to far in advance of the release date.

remember, i'm hearing all this second hand, except for my buddy's failed install that sent us to an apple type shop in the first place. i know it sounds hard to believe, but this disk didn't work, but a disk that we know for sure was sold after the release date installed just fine. so i'm just sharing what we were told.