Tiger fails rendering PNG images!!


After installing Tiger, the monitor was displaying a very dark desktop.
The reason why was beacause there was some kind of incompatibility with my monitor colour profile.
I've changed it by "Apple RGB 1998" and now is just fine but I'm still experiencing problems displaying PNG image files, some colours look inverted! and I have no clue why...
Anyone can help?

This is the way the finder logo is displayed:

Here is an fullscreen capture : Notice the weird Finder logo


dave G.
Definitely weird. I've never seen that. And that is ONLY when you take a PNG-snapshot, not when you just _look_ at the Finder, right? Have you set your monitor to display thousands or millions of colours?
Which Mac, and which monitor do you have? And it started to occur directly after upgrading to Tiger, right?
It must be a problem with the way the colors are displayed on your screen, irrelevant of screen grab or not. I've viewing your screenshots on a PC right now and they look perfectly normal to me. The color data seems to be fine, it's the presentation that's off if you're seeing it come out weird.
Hm. I still don't get it. It's clearly the Finder's ICON that's inverted. Not "some colors". And it clearly IS pink in this screenshot, so it's not only your "Mac displaying PNGs wrong". Is this an April fool's joke?

Really: DOES your Finder look like this - or only in the snapshots you're taking?
This is not a joke, mates.. This is a really anoying thing that I must to solve otherwise I'll reinstall panther again.

I've got a Dual G5 2GHz - 1.5GB RAM - 64MB ATI Radeon And the monitor is an liteon:

This is not only happening to the finder logo, when I use Safari some websites that use PNG images looks inverted as well.. even the preview window fails attempting to show those PNG but when I open them with Photoshop simply looks fine...

The problem seems to be directly related to the monitor color profile but I can't understand the reason why is not detected.

I'll post some screenshots tonight, actually I'm at work.
Thanks for your help!
I've been seeing exactly the same problem with my mini Core Solo running 10.4.7 ... This has been happening since we got the computer out of the box in March.

In my account, I have tweaked the color settings, and things seem to be marginally improved wrt rendering of PNG graphics in the browser, etc... My wife's account has not been tweaked, and most PNGs look absolutely atrocious.

Restarting finder in my account fixes the finder icon and returns it to the "proper" blue hues, but these steps have no effect in my wife's "darker" color profile.

Has there been any more news on this issue? Did the re-install fix it?