I'm starting to really regret installing tiger. I've got a g3(900mhz) ibook with 640 ram. Aside from the slow downs that are occurring, my biggest problem is photoshop. I've been following the "photoshop won't double click" thread for a bit now, and my problem is similar but not quite the same. Photoshop will launch, but it opens no image file, period. I keep getting "could not complete request due to program error." I started with 7, but bit the bullet and got CS. Same problem. Resinstalled both apps, no joy. Trashed the pref files, CS worked once, but not again. Neither of my printers will work, depsite updates and reintsalls. I'm a photographer by trade, and I need these apps and equipment. Tried to reinstall Panther and the installer disk will not overwrite the "newer operating system". I really, really, don't won't to format my drive here. Can anyone please tell me how to either fix photoshop, or clean install back to panther?