tired of having to use fn key on laptop


Mac Ninja
Is there a way that I can hit F8, for instance, on my new powerbook, and have it do what the application says it will do?

Right now, instead of that, it turns off the keyboard lights. Or F2 brightens the monitor, for example.

In order to use F2 to do some special command in some application, I need to hit fn + F2.

Isn't there a way to switch that around? So that to brighten the monitor I would need to hit fn + F2 and if I just hit F2 alone it will work with the application?

In OS 9, you can assign those F keys to open an application. Go to the Apple Menu> Control panels>keyboard. click on the options button at the bottom and you can assign away.

In OS X, check the keyboard control panel in System Preferences. There you can assign the functions to your preference, but you are limited. You can not assign a function key to open an application. The dock takes this job. Just drag an application icon to the dock. Then all you need to do is click once on it and it will open.
no, I'm talking about applications that are already open.

In Flash MX, for instance, F8 is "convert to symbol". So if I click on something I draw, and hit F8, I can convert it into a symbol.

But on my powerbook I have to hit fn + F8.

How do I avoid THAT?

Ahhhh, I understand now. On powerbooks, those keys have dual purpose. If you want them to be function keys, you need to hold down the fn key. Sorry, I know of no way around that.
He knows you need to use fn key. But he wants to switch them around. So, his F8 convert to symbol becomes the main F* purpose. And, fn + F8 would take the role of powerbook special function.
This is my least favourite feature of Powerbooks. Probably time to write some software to deal with the problem. qwikstreet has got it absoutely right - geeeeeez, how many times a day do you adjust the brightness/volume or whatever? In fact, the current way round is just plain dumb... At the very least you ought to be able to switch over to using the F keys as standard function keys without having to press fn. In fact, I'm gonna report it as a bug. Ok, I'll calm down now... [deep breaths]
Oooh. I hear ya. Running Lightwave on my Powerbook is a pain in the arse due to the function key dilema. Especially since it uses many combos of ctrl-Fkey, and they don't seem to work on the Powerbook.
Yup, on the PB G3 OS 9 you could specify the preference (Hot Function Key Settings) but for some insane reason, Apple removed that in OS X on the TiBooks & I assume iBooks too. Not tried the TiBook and OS 9... give me a moment and I will reboot in 9 and try it then report back...