Titanium 400 to 500Mhz with boot/no nada snafu


Hello to all,
I began loosing video on my Ti 400Mhz with freezing. Forum searches at various sites indicated the logic board. We put up with an iMac for a while and the PB got stored for 6-8 months. I roused myself and got the replacement logic board off of ebay. I took the opportunity to get the extra 100Mhz and bought the compatible 500Mhz. It is a used but _claimed_ functional board. As I prepared to install the replacement, I decided to have one last look at how the 400Mhz board was behaving so I plugged it into the yoyo (no indication lamp) and attempted a power up after several minutes. Nothing, no partial spin-up, noise beep, nada. Okay, I plugged into my work 1.25Ghz PB power supply which was sitting next to #400 to provide the logic board guidance. Orange light lit and I gave it a few and again nothing, no battery charging lights etc. Searched AppleHelp and tried a few Cntrl-Opt-Cmd-Power/esc. combinations with, you guessed it ... Nada. Reset the PMU, waited 5 sec and pushed Power and ... Nada. Tried several more itterations of battery in/out with no change. Just dead.
Probably against good judgement, I changed over to the replacement 500Mhz logic board although I was already suspecting the PMU. While everything was apart, I took a good look at the DC connection on the board and it looks fine. The old yoyo is also charging my work 1.25Ghz fine. I also looked over the PMU and reseated all cables except for the one going to the capacitors?(diodes/Capacitors round brown 4-6 array). Obviously, because I am now talking to you nice people, no change. Any ideas or unique key combos or powerkey mouthholding techniques I haven't stumbled upon? Any battery rescue techniques would also be appreciated since I assume the long storage has selled the demise of the battery.
Thank you in advance.
Well, the flood of responses didn't deter me from trying about anything to wake the dead PBmac. Metering the battery pack showed 5.05V which didn't seem all that low for a 6V array but was below the ?TTL logic level?? So, I rounded up a DC power supply and fed the batteries 6.2V with it disconnected from the PMU board. Little jumper cables going to the flat leads. Disconnected and, Yippee, she booted! Not only did it boot up but I called up my favorite Cro-Mag rally to give the 500Mhz board a test run. Things ran swimmingly for about 15minutes when, Swish, the video dissolved in the same manner as before. Bummed! The claimed logic board fix failed. I might blame the used 500Mhz board as having the same problem but the characteristic of the video loss was exactly the same as with the 400 board and I would have expected some variation. I then trolled the Apple boards and found the extensive thread on horizontal lines and bad video and concluded that Apple fixes primarily 2 things when video washout occurrs. Logic boards and new LCD's. Having tried a new logic board, I shopped LCDs and found refurbished for approx $500-700 and new over $1000. Obviously not reasonable. Now, any ideas on how to fix an LCD?
I know this isn't much of a solution, but have you though about probably purchasing a newer Mac laptop, something likethe MacBook? The performance compared to that PowerBook should be much better, and it will cost you about as much as replacing the parts on that PowerBook. It just seems like a lot of money effort for something that's as old as this PowerBook. Sometimes if it's just broken, there's no need to spend all that money to revive and older, worn-and-torn device, especially if it's going to cost that much money. Just my opinion. Sorry if this didn't help much. :eek:
That PowerBook is worth about $300, working. Check the cables connecting the LCD first (top right corner?), but otherwise, it could end up being cheaper to sell for parts/repair. You'd probably get around $200 (I recently sold a 667 for around $250, with no HD/Airport). A new LCD easily costs more than $200, eBay. From there, a MacBook is $949 (refurbished 1.83), PB 1 Ghz is about $650 (Aluminum model a bit more), PB 667 - $400's, and PB 500 - $300 (on a good day).