To Buy A Macpro Or Not To Buy A Macpro, That Is The Question ?


Hi there....

Like a lot of fellow MacPro users I was totally devastated to see that Apple decided to pass over a refresh of the current, three-year old MacPro for a Touch Bar MacBook Pro.

They even dropped it from the Mac Line Up Official Marketing photos... showing an iMac, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air instead.

I want a new machine and I need a new machine. My current configuration is the following:

– MacPro (Mid 2010)
– Processor (2 x 2.93 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon)
– Memory (64 GB 1333 MHz DDR3)
– Startup Disk (512GB SSD)
– Graphics (ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB)
– QTY 3 x 3TB Internal SATA Drives
– 15TB DroboS
– 27" Apple Cinema Display (Not Thunderbolt)

Today.... feel deflated about the new MacPro... I decided to revisit the current version and I build my dream machine.

Below are the specs that I selected:-
– New MacPro (Mid 2010)
– Processor (2.7GHz 12 Core with 30MB of L3 Cache)
– Memory (16GB 1866 MHz DDR3 ECC but I will get 64GB after delivery from Crucial Memory Uk)
– Startup Disk (512GB PCIe Flash Storage SSD)
– Graphics (Dual AMD FirePro D700 GPUs with 6GB of GDDR5 VRAM)

The total of the new system would be €7,257 + €1,669 VAT. TOTAL = €8,926
I can get a discounted on this making it €5,495 + €1,264 VAT. TOTAL = €6,759

I can claim back the VAT as I'm a VAT registered company.

Would you, based on the specifications of both computers think that this purchase would be justifiable.

Any comments of suggests most welcome.

From the looks of it, you are getting an upgrade. Go for it !
Hi Cheryl.... and thanks for your reply and enthusiasm.... but I have decided to hold off. 3 years without a hardware refresh is a long time... so I now feel that if they are going to update it will need to be soon.... people are pointing to Q1 next year.... or even later..... I will give it one more year... as my current setup is working away fine and I'm on macOS Sierra.... but I'm sure the next OS won't support my machine so that is whenat I will make my decision, but hopefully a refreshed MacPro will be announced before that.

Thanks again. Greetings from Ireland... :)

As long as you are happy with what you have, then there is no need to get new - just yet.
I'm happy that what I have still is pretty good... but I would jump all over a new refresh of the MacPro... that would keep me satisfied for another 5-6 years.