To replace paper & pencils...

Palm to replace Pencil+Paper?

  • yes sirriee!

  • no way!

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Well...the guys over at just released their latest product. Suprisingly enough it's got everything a new palm user needs. And all for the extremely rare price of $100.

So i'm posting this poll: do you think the Palm pilot will replace the average paper and pencil in the future? I sure do!
No way! I just started to learn how to draw, if someone takes my paper and pencils - I'll kill 'em!

Oh... wait... that's not the kind of paper and pencils you meant, huh? :D

In that case,
Yeah totally! Aside from drawing, writing on paper with pencils have been replaced for me forever! Sadly my Handspring Visor died... and I'm going insane without it! :(

The new palm is too expencive for my tastes, and the other new palm is too restrictive (need removable memory of some sort, memory stick, SD, SmarkDisk, whatever).
I see your situation, but I guess we can safely assume that in a couple of years (if palm keeps going on this path) we'll have the most powerful/useful palms for $100. :)

And I agree about the drawing thing, but then again there are wacoms™. :)
Years? I can't wait that long! heh :)

I haven't had a chance to get my hands on a Wacom tablet for more than a minute, so I can't really say... but they're more expencive than my pencils and paper! ;)
Back in 1922, Thomas Edison predicted that "the motion picture is destined to revolutionise our educational system a few years it will suplpant largely, if not entirely, the use of text books." Well, we all make mistakes. But at least Edison did not squander vast quantities of public money on installing cinema screens in schools around the country".

This is in reference to the over-proliferation of computers in schools for every-day tasks, and that productivity actually declines in relation to the amount of computer use in young children. That's a quick synopsis but if you want more pick up a copy or search the

I was apalled that my old high school raised a coupla million bucks and planted Thinkpads in every single classroom. I can't imagine doing a math test or balancing chemical equations on a computer, by hand is much much easier IMHO.

So, I don't think that PDAs will ever replace handwriting entirely, well nor in my lifetime (I'm 20).
Today, and yesterday, in school I thought about this. I quickly went over everything you've all said and I must say:

Paper and pencil will eventually become obsolete. Like the ancient egyptians used to use their primitive form of writing, we will use ours. But soon or later it has to go. Of course, by the time it goes...we'll all be long gone. :)