Toast 5.2 Officially Released (again)

Eh, it was only "officially" released by Roxio once... it was prematurely released by and other sites. Only Roxio can release it -- just because it was prematurely linked to doesn't mean it was "released." In my opinion, it ain't "officially" released until there's a link from the author's site to the file!

On a related note, I just got the "official" updater and now Toast Titanium 5.2 unexpectedly quits! Ack!
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
On a related note, I just got the "official" updater and now Toast Titanium 5.2 unexpectedly quits! Ack!

Same here.

And, no I'm not using a pirated serial.
I got my 5.2 working now -- I did this:

(taken from the user comments section of
Just control-click on the Toast 5.2 icon and show the package contents. Open Contents > MacOS and delete the Rox.dat file. Close it up and then double-click on the Toast 5.2 icon to launch the app. You will be prompted for your registration info. Enter a LEGITIMATE serial number and you're in business again.

Worked for me.
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
I got my 5.2 working now -- I did this:

(taken from the user comments section of
Just control-click on the Toast 5.2 icon and show the package contents. Open Contents > MacOS and delete the Rox.dat file. Close it up and then double-click on the Toast 5.2 icon to launch the app. You will be prompted for your registration info. Enter a LEGITIMATE serial number and you're in business again.

Worked for me.

Thanks! Worked like a charm.

after my update to 5.2 (first and actual release after complete reinstallation from CD) I can't encode VCD anymore. When selecting VCD mode and drop a movie on Toast the VCD Encoding dialog shows up.

First thing I notive is the missing preview pic of the movie as shown up in the encoding dialog in 5.1.4.

The after selecting the save destination for the mpg file the "encoding progress" dialog shows up followed by a "VCD support expired" dialog.

Whats wrong with roxio. Nearly every new update didn't work as it should. Anyone else has this problem or just me. Maybe only on Dual's or under Jaguar?