Toast 6 and OSX


I installed Toast 6.0.3. When I burn a CD everything goes normal. After burning it I can mount the CD and I can see it, but when I eject it and insert it in the driver again, the system doesn't recognize it. I tried to repair Disk permissions and it worked, after that I could read the CD. BUT I must repair permissions for EVERY CD I burn, or I can't see it. What's going wrong here? Can anybody help me? Thanks a lot.
Note: I use a PowerBook G4 667, with OSX 10.3.2
Basically you can't repair any permissions on a CD-R. It's write-protected. I am wondering if toast is burning in the simulation mode. In this mode no data is burnt on the CD, but everything else is simulated.
Press alt+R to get into the recorder settings. Chooce Advanced to see if simulation mode is marked. If so, unmark and retry. Good luck!
This may not be very helpfull but I had this happen to me for about every CD I burned. It turned out that the optical drive in my powerbook had to have it's optical drive replaced. I would burn a CD, regardless of application, and I would have lots of trouble trying to get it to recognize, and even when it was recognized, browsing the CD was very slow.
Thanks everybody for the answers, but unfortunately the problem persists.
1 - I burn the CD - not in simulation mode. Settings: Verify Data on / Buffer Underrun Prevention on and off (I tried both)
2 - When the CD is ready I mount it and I can see what it contains
3 - I eject the CD and insert it in the driver again. The driver works, try to read the CD but after a while eject it
4 - I insert the CD in the driver of my boy friend's computer (PowerBook G4 867, with OSX 10.3.2) and it appears immediately in the desktop
5 - I run Disk Utility and repair the Disk Permissions from my Hard Disk (not from the CD, of course)
6 - I insert the CD again and now it appears normally on the desktop
7 - This is crazy and mysterious!
Note 1: I don't think it's the optical drive because this happens since I use Panther and Toast 6.0.3. With Jaguar and toast 5 everything was normal. And, after I repair Disk Permissions, the CD'c read normally and fast.
Note 2: My boy friend has also Toast 6.0.3 and Mac OSX 10.3.2 and none of this problems happens with him.
Now I got the impression you are not closing the CD. That would explain the things going on.
Is "Close Disc" marked in the Recorder - Advanced settings?