Toast Titanium


Funky Member
Does anyone out there have Toast 5 Titanium. I hear from different places that it works in X...but does it really? I though this place would be the place to go!

I have not actually used it with OS X, but I dont think it does work. What it does work with is iTuners. For some reason toast 5 is problematic for me. If I want to do 2 CDs, one after the other, it just goes to sleep" so to speak. It does it's thing and then the for some reason the writer stops writting :( ... I have not figured it out tet (because I dont write CDs that often :P)
Anyone have any idea ?

I'll be getting Toast 5 this weekend sometime I'll update you if If get the same behavior.

Toast Titanium works just fine under Mac OS X.. you just can't burn CD's though.. yet..

Now that 10.0.2 is out which allows iTunes to burn CD's, I'm hopeful that Adaptec will release their write-enabled patch for Toast in the VERY near future.. keep a close eye on versiontracker..
As soon as I can burn discs in Mac OS X, I will plop down the cash for Toast Titanium. Hope they're listening. ;)
Originally posted by sfish
As soon as I can burn discs in Mac OS X, I will plop down the cash for Toast Titanium. Hope they're listening. ;)

i agree wholeheartedly.

as soon as a product becomes OS X ready, i plonk down my cash. case in point BBEdit. (they rock for getting that out nice and quick)

I have Toast titanium 5 and it works just fine in Classic for me on 10.0.3

I also note that Roxio have committed to provide a free upgrade to X for all those purchasing 5.0

All of the features claimed for titanium work just fine including background burning.

Sorry to disillusion the above.
What burner do you use?

Oh, and I'm waiting to purchase as some kind of warped incentive for Roxio. ;)
USB connected Freecom portable CD burner FC TRW 4420.

I guess hey will do the port/re-write anyhow, but your purchase as soon as it is done will encourage them!

I saw a review in a UK published Mac magazine and bout Toast 5 for the VCD/DVD support - but it was just fortunate that it worked onX too


What extensions relevant to Toast Titanium 5 are you using? I have a Sony Spressa CRX145E Firewire drive which is recognized by both iTunes 1.1.1 in OS X and Toast Titanium 5.0.1 in OS 9.1 (on my Classic partition, but booted directly into 9.1 rather than from OS X). However, when I try to run Toast from OS X using Classic, my drive is not recognized.

Has anyone else here had any luck running Toast 5 in Classsic?
I still have to reboot the computer once I've made 1 CD, and close and re-open the CD-RW drive ....

It seems that the drive goes to sleep after X amount of time... it so WEIRD!!!! After making several coasters I decided to reboot always after making 1 CD so that I dont waste any more CD-Rs .... Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Well, toast 5.0.1 doesn't work for me in X, not even in classic. I know my drive is supported in 9.1. I think it doesn't work in X because X is plenty picky about SCSI devices...This drive works find in 9.1, but not in X. If the drive is turned on and I'm booting into X I will get a horrible kernal panic on startup. I think this is because this CD-RW from Yamaha is really an internal drive ghetto hooked up externaly and isn't terminated where the SCSI internal ribbon cable breaks for another device to be plugged in. Yes, I will buy a firewire drive in a year or so and go without the SCSI card entirely, but until then...I can't burn CD's in X period.

I havent used my CD-RW with OS X yet.
It is a yamaha 4416SX .... external SCSI, and properly terminated ... I like it ;) For a year and a half year old drive it does its job :)
Classic has access to any USB device OS X doesn't recognize. This is why you can burn CDs using Toast in Classic, provided you have a USB burner.