Whitesaint: where on earth are you looking? Just go to outpost.com and shop around in the Macintosh section for hardware that you like. Then, if you're feeling particularly thrifty (and confident), go to pricewatch.com and see if you can find a smaller site somewhere selling the same product for less. Outpost is usually pretty decent in regard to prices, and they have excellent customer service. Just make sure they have what you order in stock. It seems like everyone and their brother is making firewire burners: technically all they are is a firewire-ATA bridge and an ATA CDRW mechanism. If you have trouble at outpost.com, check out firewiredepot.com or whatever it is (search the web for firewire depot, it'll pop up).
I have a QueFire! external firewire burner, 12x10x32x. I've had almost no problem with it since a few updates from Roxio (for Toast Titanium, EXCELLENT PROGRAM) and Apple. Apple made a lot of third party burning programs shit the bed when they up and released their take on CD-Burning, which, while decent, just isn't as streamlined as Toast.
Discribe, oh how I loath thee. It's the most worthless program I've ever used, and it's UI would make ol' Tog or Norman throw a temper-tantrum that would be unparallelled. Here's what I'd reccomend for software: Toast Titanium, Disc Burner, Toast 4, a whole PC just for burning CD's, and THEN use Discribe, but only if you have to