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Ok. I recently went to a seminar thing held by a recruitment/consulting firm with the title: "Web Development Course". It was basically a commercial web developer going through the stuff someone in IT needs to know, and should/can expect if they want to be a web developer. Anyways. One of the things asked at the end of it, was what sort of things are employers looking for. PHP apparently isn't too popular in the commercial world, but ASP and JSP/Servlets are the dogs bollocks. So. Not having or wanting the facilities to learn ASP, i figured i'd try my hand at some JSP. I've done some basic Java programming, how hard could it be?

Well. Server Logistics have once again done much of the hard work, and provide an Installer Package for Tomcat 4.something, with a PrefPane, and it integrates with their Apache2 installation. The guy at the seminar said Struts was a good framework to use, so i downloaded it from the apache jakarta site. Ok. Now. Does ANYONE have a reference for a good online tutorial for starting out with JSP/Struts/etc??
I saw a book that is supposed to be good, but its $AU113, and thats not full price. I dont have $100 to spend on books right now. I've looked around but i can't find much. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.


The best thing really to get started is to join the Apache mailing lists, you can also browse archives. There a good start. I use Tomcat on a daily basis, but I don't generally just use JSP, I use Apache Cocoon, Xindice and Forrest, that's were the cutting edge is (in my opinion). XML, XSLT (etc..) all with a liberal mixing of Java. You should be aware though that the Tomcat mailing list is v.high volume. 100-200+ emails a day.

Have a look around the various Apache sites:

Any other questions, especially if it's to do with Tomcat/Cocoon etc... on OS X I can probably help
