Hey, don't talk about my mamma like that
You are probably right (and that office deal IS a good deal.... things that make me go hmmmm) I think it really depends on the environment you are working in. If you are in an office environment then owning....office should be a requirement, however if it is just your home imac email/web machine, do you *really* need it? And the home imac email/web machine is what I *assume* most mac users have. then again, I could be wrong.

You are probably right (and that office deal IS a good deal.... things that make me go hmmmm) I think it really depends on the environment you are working in. If you are in an office environment then owning....office should be a requirement, however if it is just your home imac email/web machine, do you *really* need it? And the home imac email/web machine is what I *assume* most mac users have. then again, I could be wrong.