Torrent speed revelation!


I use the latest Transmission on the latest Leopard and was trying different settings since my horrible ISP changed something after doing significant work on the system. Before I would get varying rates of speed and it didn't matter if I limited my upload speed. After the work my speed was very fast but only if I severely limited my upload limit (10 or less). Then I tried setting Transmission's upload speed to 0 (on a whim) and my download speed soared. Like 20 times faster than before. I was getting 900k/sec whereas before it was maybe 50. I did the speedtest: download 9mb, upload 500k, ping 70. Before, with upload not limited, the speedtest didn't even finish the upload part of the test - like several minutes.

Does anyone there know why this occurred?
Of course I'm ecstatic. I've heard ISP's sometimes throttle torrents. Traffic shaping I think they call it. Could I have somehow fooled the shapers? I didn't think I was that crafty! LOL>
Update: I've been using WinXP on a 1.8ghz/4gb machine for a few days now and this setting doesn't work the same. Now I seem to get the best speeds with uploads set at about 20k. Not sure how it works with DSL. I'm on a very fast cable service with downloads usually coming down at over 10mb on speed tests. I often exceed 1mb on torrents. Which means a movie can appear in minutes. Quite sweet. Now if they only didn't have that traffic cap!