

I have an Apple G4 15'' 1.5Ghz that i bought in Nov 2004.

It's awesome. I love it to pieces.

2 questions...

1) The Touchpad on some of my friends newer PowerBooks like hte 1.67Ghz have an ability to scroll by pressing down on the right part of the touchpad.... Can i add this to my touchpad by updating firmware or software or is that a hardware issue?

2) Should I sell my PowerBook for 1500 and go out and get a new MacBook Pro?
The touchpad allows scrollng by using two fingers at the same time in a up-down motion to scroll. Your model doesn't support those but the versions released after yours does.

I'd hold off on the MacBook Pro at this point. Wait for more apps to come out that are universal binary, especially higher end apps that you might use on a regular basis. Plus, you will see other "book" options in the coming months.
Then again, if you want the MacBook Pro and truly _can_ get 1500 for your "old" one, why not...