Trackpad non-responsive


I have an iBook G4 and all of the sudden the trackpad is non-repsonsive. The arrow/cursor is stuck in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I have tried shutting down and restarting and nothing has worked. I've read that i can reset the PMU, but the quote: "Resetting the Power Manager on any PowerBook or iBook will permanently remove a RAM disk, if present, and all of its contents" -- trips me out. Any advice? Thanks.
I think you're confusing a PMU reset, which is a last resort, best done at the suggestion of an Apple tech, with clearing your PRAM. To do this, hold down all four keys at start up, and run thru the startup chime three times: Command-Option-P-R .

Have you set up a RAM disk? Probably not- but all the more reason to keep your self-repairs at a low-risk level. Clearing your PRAM is definitely safe. If that doesn't work, next up is trashing trackpad preferences and restart.