Transferring MySQL databases new server


Some time ago the web hosting company I am using was taken over and changed to another platform. Everything broke and the tech support took the attitude they were helping me sort out my problem rather then sorting out a problem they had created. So I have moved to another company. It's budget hosting so I can't expect a lot. I backed up the directories with the script stuff in, (drupal and Gallery) and the new host has an auto-install feature for both scripts.

I could do with some help (maybe over skype or something) as I want to get them working with the previous content if possible. It would be an enormous task to start over again.

Any takers?
I could help with mysql but not with drupal, etc. In general, you create up a backup with mysqldump databasename >databasename.txt and restore it with mysql databasename <databasename.txt. You'll probably need to update the mysql users database to the new host. Maybe revise your my.cnf file too. The mysql docs cover all this well.