I'm completely flummoxed on this one... I had made a simple finder copy of my internal drive to my external drive, just for ease of transferring files that had originally been on my previous machine. That worked fine. Now that I no longer need the copy, I put it in the trash and tried to delete all the files.
Well, seems OS X doesn't agree with my idea, gives me messages that the operation can't be completed (error -43) because some files "can't be found." On top of that, I can't even take the files out of the trash, either for the same reason, or because they're supposedly in use... they're not!
For those of you who might (I hope, I hope) have some suggestions, I'm running a dual G4, 1GHz tower, with OS X 10.1.5, the standard Seagate 80G internal, and a LaCie 80G Firewire external. I've tried using "Drive 10" and it found some volume problems on the internal drive, but not on the LaCie, but still no go. Anybody know what's up here???
Well, seems OS X doesn't agree with my idea, gives me messages that the operation can't be completed (error -43) because some files "can't be found." On top of that, I can't even take the files out of the trash, either for the same reason, or because they're supposedly in use... they're not!
For those of you who might (I hope, I hope) have some suggestions, I'm running a dual G4, 1GHz tower, with OS X 10.1.5, the standard Seagate 80G internal, and a LaCie 80G Firewire external. I've tried using "Drive 10" and it found some volume problems on the internal drive, but not on the LaCie, but still no go. Anybody know what's up here???