Trashcan in the Panther finder and desktop please.


Ministry of Re-Education
I just thought of an awesome idea that Apple totally overlooked; I really like having instant acces to my folders in the new Panther finder window mini-dock, but how bout putting a TRASH CAN in there? And how about allowing me to put a trash can on the DESKTOP. I can't believe they overlooked this. The dock would become obsolete.

If you're out there listening Omar(and I know you are), please talk to Apple for me to include this in 10.3.1

But knowing apple, they'll save that feature for 10.4 and charge us for it.
habilis said:
I just thought of an awesome idea that Apple totally overlooked; I really like having instant acces to my folders in the new Panther finder window mini-dock, but how bout putting a TRASH CAN in there? And how about allowing me to put a trash can on the DESKTOP. I can't believe they overlooked this. The dock would become obsolete.

If you're out there listening Omar(and I know you are), please talk to Apple for me to include this in 10.3.1

But knowing apple, they'll save that feature for 10.4 and charge us for it.

what's the deal, here?
You can still control click (or right click with a multi-button mouse) and choose 'move to trash'. I haven't touched the trash in the dock for weeks, probably
Is it possible to add an alias to ~/.Trash?
Perhaps a symbolic link?

It sadly wouldn't work for ejecting/unmounting volumes, but for normal file deletion, why not? :) Now that I think of it, it probably wouldn't be too hard at all to put out an AppleScript to mimic the functionality of the Dock's trash icon. I will think about it whilst I sleep! Goodnight!
Hab, I really don't think Apple is interested in making the Dock obsolete, considering that it's a NeXT technology.

Besides, you aren't going to be constantly using the Trash as a normal folder, are you? Because that's what the sidebar is for, folders and volumes that you commonly access, not just a place to drop something.
This was posted on Maxosxhints yesterday and I just tried it and it works great.

Here's how you can use Panther's Folder Actions to create an icon for the Trash on your desktop, or the Finder toolbar/sidebar. Note that the icon won't change depending on whether there are items in the trash.
Launch Script Editor and type in this code:
on adding folder items to thisfolder after receiving theseitems
tell application "Finder"
repeat with i in theseitems
move i to trash
end repeat
end tell
end adding folder items to

on opening folder thisfolder
tell application "Finder"
set target of the front window to trash
end tell
end opening folder

Save the script to ~/Library -> Scripts -> Folder Action Scripts and name it "Trash."
Create a folder on your desktop named "Trash." You'll probably want to change its icon to match the Trash.
Enable Folder Actions by control-clicking on the Desktop and choosing "Enable Folder Actions".
Control-click on the folder "Trash" and choose "Attach a Folder Action." Browse to ~/Library -> Scripts -> Folder Action Scripts (if it's not already selected) and choose "Trash." as the script to use.
And you're done. You can add this folder to the Sidebar in Finder windows, or right-click the Toolbar and choose "Customize" and then drag this folder onto your Finder toolbar.
Slightly off-topic:

I like the new Trash icon in Panther! The wireframe basket was cool, but this new one is quite nice.
The trashcan looks the same to me. what's different? Maybe it's like in Mail where you get different kind of icons depending on what language you have choosen.
arden said:
Hab, I really don't think Apple is interested in making the Dock obsolete, considering that it's a NeXT technology...

The "Dock" as we know is very differnt from the NeXT dock/shelf.

In fact the left hand finder area is much more NeXT Dock-like than the OS X Dock...

I'm sure you do some searching here to find some of the RacerX pictures... That will make the point clearer...
TommyWillB said:

The "Dock" as we know is very differnt from the NeXT dock/shelf.

In fact the left hand finder area is much more NeXT Dock-like than the OS X Dock...

I'm sure you do some searching here to find some of the RacerX pictures... That will make the point clearer...

I've had a trash can in my finder windows in the main toolbar since 10.1

If you go through the system Library with show hidden files on, you'll find a folder .trash and you just drag that into the toolbar.

The other option would be to open the trash folder, and drag the little trash can from the title bar onto the toolbar... does this work if you drag it from title bar to desktop? I'm at school on Windows at the moment :(
Andy Ihnatko wrote a column for Macworld about some of the decisions Apple has made regarding the interface of OS X. Much of it was influenced by the NeXT people they, um, inherited, who pretty much wanted (and still want) OS X to be the successor to NeXT. Hence, technologies (not the actual implementations, but the concepts) like the Dock, Toolbar and Sidebar have relocated from NeXT to OS X, and many of the OS 9 stuff we loved got cement shoes.

Nate: It might work if you make an alias of the actual .trash icon.