happens to me all the time uoba, no problem.
And I was looking for some help with this css nav menu I have been working on. I got it to look decent in safari, but it seems that safari treats the background images applied to the ul wrong. The menu looks pretty bad in any browser besides safari -- I mainly want to make it work in mozilla, I won't worry too much about mac ie. I haven't tested it in IE windows for awhile, but at my last test it worked great.
One of the biggest problems that I have is that on the background property for the first and last items the background applied to the li (for the top) needs to be set as ... bottom left; when it should be ... top left;, this makes it work in safari but breaks it in all the other browsers I have tried. The other big problem is that I couldn't figure out how to make a transparent png with a transparent grey curve be white (and non-transparent, while the other side remained transparent. Whenever I did a paint can on the bottom where I wanted the white, it obliterated the curve, which was no good.
I posted a comp at
http://kao.sytes.net/menu/, with all the images in
here and the photoshop files of the erspective images in
here. Any help I could get with this would be great - I kinda hit a brick wall once I got it to work in safari.
And another thing - in safari 1.0 on panther there is a bug where when you have a li floated left with a transparent background, the transparency gets all messed up. Are the two images below the menu bar the same color and tone as the background of the menu bar? Or are they significantly lighter in Safari 1.1?