Trouble burning fonts to CD from SMB share


I am running Tiger 10.4.3 on a Dual G5. I am connected to a Windows 2003 server using SMB. I dragged a folder of fonts from the Windows server to the CD on my desktop, and then tried to burn the CD. I get the following error:

The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "Untitled CD" could not be read or written. (Error code -36).

"/Volumes/JOBS-1/...[path to font file]" could not be read (-36)​

Error code -36 is just an "I/O Error," so not much help there. I am able to burn non-font files direct from the server without issue -- it seems that only font files give me any trouble. I've duplicated the problem on a G5 iMac also running 10.4.3.

Any help would be appreciated ...
Writing from any network share can be notoriously unreliable as volume of network taffic means it is difficult to get a steady data rate. Try copying the folder from the share to your Mac and writing to CD from there.
He said specifically that he copied the files from the server to his local hard drive already.

What program are you using to burn the CD?