trouble saving a jpeg in Mac mail program


this is another posting on the same problem I've been having that I've been unable to figure out. I'm using Jaguar 10.2.3 and the Mac Mail program.

Someone sends an email and a photo arrives, already opened up. Looks great.
The problem is that I can't save this jpg to my harddrive, no matter what I try. I have a mouse and when I right or left click, all I get is "copy, font, spelling". Is the copy feature what I use? If I do, where the heck is the photo copied to???
I cannot drag the photo to my desktop. I cannot save the photo by selecting it.
This is a new feature for receiving photos compared to receiving a file, that was easy to save.
Could someone please tell me what the trick is to saving the opened jpg to my disk?
Thanks.opened :confused:
Humm i don't know what to tell you. You should be able to drag it to the desktop. Or right click and download. If copy is an option, then it would/should copy the image to the clipboard. Which then means you'll need to go into an image editing program (like photoshop), create a new document and past it in.

I had a problem like that awhile ago, never could find a way to fix it though.:(

I'm thinking maybe it's an HTML tag or something, maybe that's why you can't save it.

The way I did save the image was I took a screenshot and edited out all the rest in iPhoto.

Now it's my desktop background pic!:D
Yeah, I've only been able to get 'em out with a screenshot... Command-shift-4 lets you select a recangle and saves the result to the Desktop as a PDF file. Command-shift-control-4 will save to the clipboard.

I think it's a bug in Mail, because the contextual menu's Copy command logically should copy the photo, and drag-and-drop would be only natural.

- Brian
Thanks so much for the suggestions. They work! The Command-shift-4 was great for selecting the photo and I opened PS7 and pasted it there. My, oh my, what a long train ride just to be able to use a photo on a webpage. The funny thing is, when I open mail with opened photos in Eudora, the right click "save to disk" feature works great. Maybe the easiest of all will be to simply slip over to Eudora if I get another photo I need to save! Meanwhile, I'll make a call to Apple and see if I can get someone to solve the problem.If I DO get an answer, I'll post it here.
Thanks again.