this is another posting on the same problem I've been having that I've been unable to figure out. I'm using Jaguar 10.2.3 and the Mac Mail program.
Someone sends an email and a photo arrives, already opened up. Looks great.
The problem is that I can't save this jpg to my harddrive, no matter what I try. I have a mouse and when I right or left click, all I get is "copy, font, spelling". Is the copy feature what I use? If I do, where the heck is the photo copied to???
I cannot drag the photo to my desktop. I cannot save the photo by selecting it.
This is a new feature for receiving photos compared to receiving a file, that was easy to save.
Could someone please tell me what the trick is to saving the opened jpg to my disk?
this is another posting on the same problem I've been having that I've been unable to figure out. I'm using Jaguar 10.2.3 and the Mac Mail program.
Someone sends an email and a photo arrives, already opened up. Looks great.
The problem is that I can't save this jpg to my harddrive, no matter what I try. I have a mouse and when I right or left click, all I get is "copy, font, spelling". Is the copy feature what I use? If I do, where the heck is the photo copied to???
I cannot drag the photo to my desktop. I cannot save the photo by selecting it.
This is a new feature for receiving photos compared to receiving a file, that was easy to save.
Could someone please tell me what the trick is to saving the opened jpg to my disk?