Trust 1200 Wireless Tablet


I'm not sure if this should be here or in the software section.
I'm having trouble with my trust tablet.
I no longer have the installation disk so i have to downlaod the drivers.
So i got to the trust site download the drivers for OS 9 for use with the classic environment.
Once it has downlaoded i double click and a box comes up that leads me through the installation, once it has finished it used to give me a fkeyapp or somthing of that nature, now it doesn't do anything >.<
When it did give me the fkeyapp i used to double click when i had the tablet plugged in and it gave me an error.
I'm compeltly new to Mac's as of three days ago and i have no idea what to do.
As you are new to the Mac, you may find that peripheral support for devices that have only OS 9 drivers, and no drivers for OS X, may not function at all. You should contact tech support at Trust for info or driver updates for this wireless tablet. You may need to check out Wacom's line of tablets.