Truth about Apple performance (OS+hardware)

I have an AMD PC am IM an hardcore PC Poweruser.I have many reg hacks and 153MHZ FSB and 9.5 multiplier. I hate windows, but heck when the OS, and EVERY software is Free - whats not to like??? And on top of that I can build my own PC with out all that DELL,COMPAQ crap they cram in there. Heck I can overlook the shity OS and in fact become quite productive... Only with the release of Jaguar have I seen a significant improvement in internet browsing speed ( note that T3 was the testing line so line speed was no factor)... with my PC (AMD 1.13GHz, 256MB SDRAM WINDOWS XP) literly, I would click a link and it would go with NO LAG WHAT SO EVER.
I just cant wait until the G5s and ATi 9700 are out. ONLY then can the real test between windows boxes and Apple can begin. Jaguar, while a superior OS, is a HOSS and even with the DP 1.25ghz and GF4 TI200, website browsing is not a click and see... ALWAYS a 1 or 2 sec lag... [/rant]
As people could probably tell from my sig, I don't exactly have a recent machine... but I still use it. I don't mind waiting a little while for a new machine. With a G4 card supposed to be going in this thing, it should last a year longer.

Yes speed is important, but I haven't had any particular issues with speed. MAME runs well, OS X works enough for my needs (The BSD layer gets a workout from my command-line code). Sure the 1.x Ghz Gateways at my school run certain things faster (faster redraw, faster Flash), but honestly, a second lost in waiting here and there versus the gripes and complaints I have had trying to get Windows to cooperate (Altera's EET software is a horrible piece of garbage which is another issue altogether)... I am happy where I am.

Use what works for you... just don't try to drag everyone else with you because you think you speak for every computer user.
Apple started a huge campaign with the introduction of the G3 - stating that it toasted Pentiums. Seems like there are alot of PC users out there who get pissed off by this - even to this day. In the end the G3 toast campaign was just another one of Job's marketing pushes. Marketing plays a big part -- Just talk to Billy G about this.

I use Mac OS X a great deal and I get an enormous amount of work done on it. It's the simplest and most elegant interface ever created. And if you want to make it more complex then use Perl in the shell, Applescript, and other tools to make it do whatever you want.

But I'm a geek and I've heard a good amount of consumers complain about the pokiness of mac os x. They go to a friends house an use a Windows machine and notice that apps launch fast and windows redraw quickly. The system does feel snappier on the surface.

You can't expect all consumers to see the overall benefits of mac os x (their not geeks and they don't really use computers). And alot of these consumers who complain about the pokiness of mac os x don't realize what they have to put up with in the Windows world. Viruses run rampant on WinWhore machines. If consumers don't update their virus software then their machine will become useless after it becomes a zombie server for some phrack freak. I see Windows machines get hit with viruses on a regular basis and it will only get worse. Apple needs to do a marketing campaign -- it would be foolish not too...

Maybe Apple could create an affordable line of Macs using another processor -- be it AMD or Intel. This would be a huge market that they could tap into. I just think in the long run Apple is better off seriously looking into running mac os x on a variety of processors. IBM has seemed so stand offish with their relations with Apple and Motorola. In addition it doesn't look like Motorola has Apple on their priority list

Only time will tell...
Originally posted by egilDOTnet

The really strange thing about this, is that the iMacs are silent - very silent, sporting the same G4 as in the PowerMacs. I find this very strange indeed.

While we speak of PC vs. Mac, an interresting review is found here.

Although the iMac in the article above may have slightly worse CPU performance, the iMAC overall quality as a personal computer is much higher than the Gateway PC, IMHO.
Yeah, it comes down to marketing, and people seem annoyed that Apple is jumping into the Ad arena again. Well, I just shrug it off, no computer maker actually has been anywhere near 100% honest and up-front in their ads, on either side. They are always trying to hide their flaws, and flout the strengths. It is what advertising is about.

Heck, Gateway is trying to make one final ad push against Dell as I type this. It is just funny in my opinion to watch all these guys try to prove who has the biggest wang geek-wise.

In the end, I ignore the ads, the flames, etc... and just use what works for /me/. Hence the reason why my machine is 6 years old and still chugging.
I don't know much about performance benchmark test, but stability and *apparent* speed are what I (as a user) am looking for and it seems the OS plays a big part in that. My new DP 1 Ghz is fricking amazing! Check out this image of my dock - 40 applications running at once? Even Office apps launch in about 1/2 second.


So what if an AMD generates more polygons per millescond... Windows can't handle this kind of load (though I do not use XP).