Trying to make the Switch


Hey peeps, I'm getting more into video editing.. and i'm trying to decide weather to build my own xp machine. With a P4 2.66Ghz with 533fsb, 512mb ddr, asus canterwood motherboard, 200gig hd, Radeon 9500.. everything, and a 19inch LCD, for $1,409 at

Now, thats pretty damn good for 1400. Yet I've been looking at macs at CompUSA and I want to try a G4, except.. 2k for a dual 1ghz and 256ram... would be cheating myself intirely.

Im just wondering if any of you guys have any places that have good deals on G4's I have 1500 to spend.. im hoping for Dual 1ghz, Radeon 9000, that whole system..

Anyway, if you wanna get someone to switch this is the perfect opprotunity :) ::love::
Smalldog works for me..

But I doubt you will find anything in your budget for what you want. Its Apple, you're going to be paying for *quality*, proprietary PPC hardware.

Why exactly were you looking into getting a G4?

I'm no Apple fanatic, nor am I anti-Apple. I have a x86 Linux laptop, an x86 XP workstation (P4 2.4ghz, 512mb DDR, 240gb ram), and an iBook 600mhz. Other than x86-exclusive applications and games, I find myself playing on my iBook the most.

But in your case, and if I were in your position, I'd go the x86 route. You get more power for your dollar.