Turning iBook into GuitarAmp


Hello dear Mac-Users,

I am new to the Mac-world, having purchased an iBook this week, but I already began to like it ;)

As I have an E-Guitar at home, but no amp, I thought it would be fun to experiment with my E-Guitar and the iBook. So I buyed the so-called GuitarPlug, wich is a device that plugs in the Guitar and converts the analog audio signal into a digital signal, which is fed into the computer via USB.

Now, I am capable of recording my playing using Audacity or GarageBand. But unfortunately, the sound is not coming out of the speakers while I am playing.

So my question is: Is there a way of
1) listen to what I am playing while I am playing?
2) introduce effects like a real guitar amp does?

As I am not a professional guitar player and as I do not earn money yet, I'd like to find solutions which don't cost money. (in return, I do not ask for the very best sound)

I would be glad to hear some suggestions.


A lot of recording applications have an option to allow playback while recording. I can't remember if garage band is like that, but I'd take a look through the audio options.