TV addicts dream cool as f**k


I set up a client streaming Live TV to my QTSS on OSX Server using Sorenson Broadcaster. So I can sit in my office (or any other office) and watch live TV in a Quicktime player. I also have a IR sender so I can change the channel from my office to : ) Cuts out channel surfing though as there is an 8 second delay for the buffer : ( If no one else is about I can watch full screen too as the quality is jacked right up (400-1100 kbps depending on motion) it plays perfectly as the whole network is on 100mbps full duplex switches.

Originally posted by tsmith
I set up a client streaming Live TV to my QTSS on OSX Server using Sorenson Broadcaster. So I can sit in my office (or any other office) and watch live TV in a Quicktime player. I also have a IR sender so I can change the channel from my office to : ) Cuts out channel surfing though as there is an 8 second delay for the buffer : ( If no one else is about I can watch full screen too as the quality is jacked right up (400-1100 kbps depending on motion) it plays perfectly as the whole network is on 100mbps full duplex switches.

Wow... nice. Quick question -- which TV card are you using w/ Sorenson Broadcaster? I've got an old IX/TV card but obviously software support for that puppy is next to nonexistent these days.
I use a IX/TV card on an old Powertower pro with a 400 G3. I had to put OS8.5 on for compatability (it kept crashing) and a slightly older version of the drivers. If you want them I can send them to you.