TV streaming


Ok, I planed for so long and now that I finally have a very fast wireless lan connection (theoretically 108mbit/sec, practically 40mbit/sec), I want to stream video/audio to my lan. The problem I have: my tv-card is windows-only and it's plugged to my windows box over the PCI-slot.
Now, what I need is a software solution to stream from my windows box and get the streams on a macosx client.
I was trying vls/vlc, but the video stream from a tv-card just works on the linux version of vls.
What else could I try? Any ideas?
don't know if this helps or not. I have not been able to do anything with tv (as with a tuner card), but I have had some degree of success streaming 3ivx movies across my wireless g network. There is a PC in our configuration wired to our wirelss router. I slapped a 120 gig drive in in to test as a media server and threw some dvd vob files on it. Streaming over the 100tbase ethernet with VLC was almost flawless this way, but when we unplugged the ethernet and went wifi g, we encountered buffer problems. It would consistently pause to catch up every 20 or so seconds.

I converted the VOB's to 3IVX's thus decreasing the overall size of the movie files, and their bitrate without much quality loss, and now I can watch those same movies smoothly (no buffering) on my powerbook in bed as they stream wirelessly from the living room. So far so good.

See, my overall plan is to eventually have a media center in my living room with all my favorite movies and shows stored in it. I only wish there was a MacosX alternative to Myth Tv ( I suppose it might be possible turn the PC into a Myth TV box, and use it to record shows I like , then stream those recorded shows wirelessly. But I'm not certain how live TV might yet be streamed in this manner.
Thanks for the reply, stizz.
I found out that it's much more efficient to playback saved videos over the network using samba but any streaming solution. This way, the decoding will be done locally and the video will run much more smooth.
However, I need a real-time streaming solution from videos that are not really saved yet or simply has been buffered. I want to be able to change the channels and not wait some time till the buffer fills up.
So, there is a software needed that encodes the video-stream from my tv-card or even just leaves the stream from the tv-card and redirects it to the router so that I can watch it over my powerbook.
Looks like no one really tried something like that on a pc-mac combination. I will try the windows media player which has a streaming server for pcs and a client on mac.
Thanks again!