Two buttons on APM and a power key on APK...



I think Apple should first of all put the power key back on the Apple Pro Keyboard. I miss being able to hit command-control-power key to restart my computer and it is annoying to have to reach down or over for my power key on the computer. Apple did good adding the eject key but they should add the power key back as well

Also it would be neat if they would make a two button Apple Pro Mouse. It would be nice to be able to right-click things instead of control-clicking.

Just my opinion.

Have a great day!

I run a small sound recording studio. I've set up my G4 in the next room because if the noise of the drives and the fan. Guess what: I have to walk over every time I want to turn on the machine. Or reset it if it hangs. I definitely want that power key, and keyboard reset, back!

I know a third party hardware developer has done this in the form of a clip on for the keyboard but I would much rather have the keyboards built in. Hey, look on the top of your keyboard, that strip that has the USB ports on the side. If they would make that slightly bigger they could have a power key and maybe some programmable buttons to open apps or something.

I mean, they need to do something. What about those poor iMac G4 users? They have to reach all the way to the back of their computer to hit the power key. This could get very annoying if you have your computer on your desk.

Have a great day!

Well, yes, this clip is called iCue, and it only works with Power Macs pre Quicksilver era :-( Seems like Apple has disabled the switch-it-on-via-usb feature.