Two computers, One monitor...



Ok, simple problem. I have a G4 "Sawtooth" 400Mhz and a PC but i only have 1 monitor. I want to use the same monitor for both computers.

What should i use? A kind of switchbox?

Yes. (I almost ended my message here.) ;) It's called a KVM switch (keyboard, video, mouse), but you can still use more than one of each if you want to, by simply connecting those directly.
there are also some monitors that support dual inputs. my viewsonic does. my pc is connected to the dvi post and my mac on the vga. i just push a button on the from of the screen and it switches. but before i got this monitor, i used a usb kvm, and it worked great.
another option is to use rdc on the mac to control the PC ... one advantage is can share resources and cut/paste between two.
You have to be careful if you are going to use a KVM switch and only switch between monitors. Most KVMs rely on the power from the USB or ps/2 keyboard. Make sure you get one with a power supply or that you can easily buy a power supply.

I like the monitor with dual inputs answer, but unless you tie the keyboard and mouse into the KVM you are going to have a mess with either answer. a mess as in two sets of keyboards and mouse.
Yes the 2 keyboards is a mess, you always seem to go for the wrong one. I resolved it with wireless keyboards and mice which I put well to one side when working on the other machine.

There is also a tricky relationship with waking up. Sometimes the other computer being asleep blocks the others access to the monitor. You then have to wake both and push the monitor switch button till it catches.

I gather there are 2 reasons for the question, one is a shortage of space and the other is a shortage of cash. So the KVM switch will have to be the answer not a dual input monitor.

All in all it is a clumsy solution. People with new Intel Macs and Parallels have probably got the best solution to the problem.