two external volumes help!!


today i was downloading mp3s in limewire when my idiot friends decided to change the name of my external hd. i find now that when i download files, they aren't saved to my "shared folder" but to a folder which is inaccessable, i can only see it when im in limewire with the files i downloaded. in the volumes folder, theres the actual firewire hd icon, and then theres a folder called firewire that all the files are saved to but are inaccessable and dimmed? please help it's driving me insane... thanks
when i give that command i see the following
drwxr-xr-x 3 bjanelli wheel 264 Jan 24 21:20 Firewire HD
drwxrwxrwx 14 bjanelli unknown 432 Jan 25 02:46 Firewire HD 1
drwxrwxrwx 20 bjanelli unknown 636 Jan 25 13:31 Zip 100
for some reason i have a firewire hd1 and a regular? the dimmed files are on the one named firewire hd and i cant get to it
thats the problem, i cant get rid of the new firewire mount, even when i restart. is there any way to delete it and rename the firewire hd 1 mount to firewire hd? thanks...