Originally posted by chevy
Windows is now (by default) hiding extensions. This is exactly the concept of the file type in MacOS: it exists but you don't see it as long as you don't want to see it.
The only problem: Windows and MacOS use different extensions. So we just need convergence to an unified set of extensions. And guess what ? They are more Windows machines than Macs. Therefore we will converge to Windows extensions... and hide these !
You plainly do not understand what you say.
.jpg on a Windows system can only be maped to ONE app. So I install a new image browser. All of a suden, every .jpg on my system now opens in this new image browser. But I use Photoshop for editing my images... So now I cant just click on the .jpg file. I have to open Photoshop and then locate the file to open.
It gets worse... That same image browser has made EVERY image of any kind assigned to itself... (.tff, .gif, .psd..... the list goes on...)
So I remove it from my system... and now i get a criptic mesage that the file type is not maped to any application.. I have to re map it myself.
On a MAC system you have not only file type (.jpg) but you also have the creator... Photoshop, Fireworks, Explorer, GraphicConverter.... So now if an application CREATES a file that application ownes that file... On a file per file bases. Not on a type base.
And just for refrence, it would be posable to build a system to keep all this handy metadata without having a forked file!!! Have you ever heared of MP3?? Isnt it STRANGE how they can store all this info about the file in the file itself (Artist, album, year.....) Hey, and it works on a PC to!!!!
Imagine if there was no metadata in mp3 files??? iTunes would just show the file name, and mabe the size... Oh ya, and we know its a mp3!!!
Look at Window XP!!! you can view folders full of images as big huge previews COMPLEATE WITH ALL THE METADATA!!!! That metadata is in the file itself. Take a look at mac aps like iView they can read that data.
My Nikon Digital camera incudes Date, Shuterspeed, Fstop and other usfull metadata in images... (It all shows up in XP!!)
And what about file size? Date created? Date modified??? Where is this data?? It MUST be in a "FORK" ... WRONG even Windows systems know that METADATA about a file... It is not stored in the file, or in a Fork.. It is part of the filesystem.... That is where OSX should be going... Create a new filesytem that can suport more metadata (Or just buy BFS from palm...)
Sorry for the rant, but people that do not understand just drive me nuts....