Two questions


What does update_prebindings do? (That is the right command, yes?)

What does the -y flag do for fsck? I ran fsck in single-user mode, and "Everything appears to be OK". Will -y change that?

I know, that's technically four questions. But I'm at work on an NT box, which makes it so that I can't count. :D
The full command (IIRC) is:
sudo update_prebindings -root /
It links applications to the dynamic libraries that they must access in order to run. It basically should speed up the functioning of your apps.
The -y flag means "say yes to all repair choices." If you run fsck without the -y and it encounters a problem, it stops and asks you what you want to do. With the -y flag included, it will automatically do the repair.
I'm also on a Win NT box at work. It sucks! :p