TypeFaces/Fonts in OSX


I am new to this forum, however, if anyone has a great solution in OSX for handling fonts in OSX like Adobe TypeReunion was used in OS9 - I'd be really grateful!
I think you can manage Font Collections using the Type window in OSX (the one you call with Command-T in TextEdit). Refer to the OSX Help, it's in there.

Maybe Font Reserve (Enfocus) or FontAgent (Insider Software) can also do this for you.

I still work under OS9 when I have design to do. OSX is mediocre with fonts: there's no Finder preview (that's even WORSE than OS9) for fonts ! Acrobat 5, ATM Deluxe and Adobe Type Reunion make OS9 the perfect PDF platfrom for me, I won't get into OSX. Plus, Quark is OS9 (and I don't want to hear about a OSX only version of it !).

In brief, I'd recommend staying under Classic.
I don't mean using something like Type Manager or Suitcase but a program to modify and place fonts into custom positions in the font menu, like in families of serif, sans serif etc. that Adobe Type Reunion did in OS9.
All new versions of Adobe Apps have Type Reunion built in. The only app I have that DOESN'T group fonts by family is Quark... which is yet another reason why I stopped using it a long time ago and switched to Adobe InDesign
I've been using XPress for 5 years now, but finally saw the light and switched to InDesign 2, WOW, what a difference!

anyone who says the XPress is better than InDesign, is smoking crack! The main reason why ID is better, multiple undo's. (plus the fact that it works in OS X)

I still use XPress here and there at work (Design/Prepress) but use ID way more, it's just more flexable.As state before, most all new Adobe apps have Font reserve built in, which is great!:D
I've had serious issues with my mac since installing Jaguar... hangs, stalls, spinning color wheels, weird boots, etc... My latest situation is that I have removed all of my fonts from the Library to get Jag to boot because of suspected Corrupted fonts in there...

Now that I have no fonts on my system, is there an easy way I can scan the fonts folder and detect corrupted fonts so I can start addressing all the other problems on my list?