Typing along, and suddenly text is gone, can't undo


Sometimes when I'm typing text, I'll suddenly hit a key combination (accidently) that deletes a bunch of text. Using the undo command won't bring it back. I've noticed this in BBEdit, and multipled undos will not bring the text back, it's gone even from the history.

This isn't a BBEdit issue nor is it my computer specifically. This happens to my boyfriend too, on a different machine using Quark XPress in Mac OS 9.

What key combination does this? Why is there such a lame key combination?
The only combo I can think of is Command-a, followed immediately by Delete. But you would have noticed that, I bet. And that should be undoable, as well.
Must be some other obscure way to achieve that less-than-desireable result...
I've noticed something similar with Tex-Edit Plus but I've always been able to recover it with an undo.

It seems like when I'm reaching for the shift key I hit something that moves the cursor up selecting everything from the end of the document to the new position one line up. The next key pressed then replaces the selection. You can mimic this by pressing shift up-arrow.

Don't know why the undo doesn't recover the lost selection.