Umax Vista S8 and Mac OS 10.2.3 HELP please!


I´m really desperately trying to use my god old Umax Vista S8 with OS X. In my G4 450 dual with 640M of ram is the apaptec 2930 U-SCSI card. There is a iomega Zip 100 connected and the scanner. I´ve been trying all kind of variations: only the scanner with different SCSI adresses (hooked with the small scsi connector) ... connecting the the Zip first, the scanner second connecting with the small scsi conector...connecting the the Zip first, the scanner second connecting with the old, braod scsi connetor (the scanner has both) etc. tryed active terminators and passive ones. Hooked the scanner first and the zip second (let the Zip terminate). Only once i was able to see the scanner in the Apple system profiler (8 not scsi-id 0 selected, it was 3)- tested vuescan, it worked - paid the license fee - and oops Apple system profiler can´t see the scanner again. The configuration works flawlessly under OS 9.2.1 and 9.2.2. Maybe some strange cabel issue. Ed Hamrick (from Vuescan) says he can´t help if ASP does not see the scanner. Has anybody got an idea?
SCSI Voodoo strikes again. Make sure you have the SCSI chain ended. I have found that the zip should be first, the scanner second and then put an scsi ender on the scanner. Have you tired the scanner at ID 6 and the zip at 5? That worked for me in OS 9.

Does the zip work?
Just tried it nope, does not work: under OS 9 it works with almost any configuration - no problem.

Scanner is ended (terminated by an Active terminator) Zip is senn by ASP and works fine. ZIP is seen and works in every configuration/variation.

DPM G4/450, 1,12 GB Ram, 30GB Ultra ATA and 80 GB Ultra ATA, 40GB Firewire ext.