Unable to Access my applications - HELP!


Hey All,
I hope someone has an idea here. This just started last night, but whether I ttry to accesss my applications folder from the dock or from the icon, as soon as i click and hold, it blows up, the dock goes away, and then comes back and I am not in my apps folder. What is causing this and how can i fix it? I am running a G4 QuickSilver and OSX 10.2.8

Any feedback is welcome.
Unfortunately, I don't understand your description but, when anything goes wrong, try rebooting then repairing permissions.

The G4 will happily run OS10.4. Any reason why you haven't updated?
thnx for the comeback, but I started there and it didn't work. I have stayed with 10.2.8 because of the sound software I run. It doesn't play well with 10.4
My Problem is still with me. I cannot access anything that is on my hard drive. There are a few applications that are in the Dock that will come up, but even then if I need to scroll thru the "Open" window very far the app will blow up. I am hoping this is something easy. If I didn't kow better, I would say that I had a virus however.
Try this: boot to the OSX Install Disk and access Disk Utility from the Utilities menu - click on Repair Disk.

If you do not get any warning messages in the readout during the disk repair, reboot to your hard-drive and use Disk Utility to repair permissions.

If this does not fix your problem, you may have a damaged disk directory and you will need to purchase a third party disk repair application like Disk Warrior to repair the hard-drive.