Unable to boot up


I have an PowerBook G4 15" PPC laptop running 10.4.11. I downloaded the combo updater and have not been able to boot up ever since. I have tried to boot up from the install dvd but to no avail. When I logged in in single user mode, I did a fsck and it said that the "Macintosh HD appears to be ok." When I turn on the laptop and hit the option button, the HD is x'ed out and the Install dvd is also x'ed out. When I get on in verbose mode, it says that it "could not establish the connection to the WindowServer". How can I fix this issue if I am unable to boot up?
I'm sorry I don't have a definitive answer for you - I'm kind of in the same boat. My post is 3 newer than yours. You might try getting back in to single user mode, and then type the following commands (I don't know your level of comfort with the terminal, so forgive me if this is over-simplified):

cd /var/log
pico system.log

that will allow you to check the system log. try tracing the time of the error to the log to see what's going on. you might also try booting the computer in Target Disk Mode and seeing what you can find out that way... good luck!!!
I think we have a pattern here. I installed 10.5.6 this morning and im locked out of primary user.

I knew there were problems with 10.5.6 but thought they were fixed. I tried reinstalling the update by hand with no change. I ran utility to fix permissions and no joy there either.
I have taken a look at the log and I do see where the system began to fail. It all started with Entourage not being able to launch. Then I noticed that "disk2s1" was not present. Then I noticed that the authentication service did not complete successfully. Also, it said that Extension "com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCKeyEventDriver" has no kernel dependency and "com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCKeyboard" has no kernel dependency. I'm not quite sure what that means but any assistance is greatly appreciated.
can you still access an account with admin priveledges?

if so you can create a root user. this will allow you to access all account files even if you cant log in. its not a complete solution but it a start. as a temporary fix until i have time to reinstall leopard ive created a new user and am moving my files from one user account to the other.

after i get it all saved on on external drive ill format and reinstall.


after you set up the user log out of the user or restart and there should be an "other" user. log in with root user name and the password you created. then you can go to finder and see if your files are there.....and transferable between users.

hope this is of some help.
i've verified and repaired all disk and file permissions... no luck there. i have a "com.apple.SuperDrive extension has no kernel dependencies" error and a "SMU -- shutdown cause = 3 (sometimes 2)" error that i feel might have something to do with my problems. i'm going to speak with a "mac genius" today... i'll post back with any new info!
I don't have Leopard. I'm using Tiger 10.4.11. I haven't gotten any messages that said the HD needed to be repaired which is why I am so lost. When I did logon in verbose mode, as metioned before, the login application starts but then can't be connected to the WindowServer. This didn't begin occuring until I installed the combo updater.
I think the installer may have been broken, or something went wrong on applying that update. Windowserver can't be connected to; usually the UI server and client are with different versions or one of them have something broken when this happens.

Do you have another Mac or can you get access to another Mac? If that is possible, mount this system in target mode, and install the combo update in target mode. That should force the UI server parts be the same and functional on both sides.
bad news on my end. although the logic board passed the hardware test, the capacitors on the logic board (they look like mini batteries...?) were not all flat. because mine was a first generation iMac, it wasn't an intel processor. the old processors get really hot, and so, in time, the capacitors start "popping off." the "genius" at the apple store said that the first 2 things they check on 1st gen iMacs are the power unit and the capacitors on the logic board.

try popping off the back of your machine and looking at those silver battery looking things on the green logic board. they should be flat and flush. if not, they're about to go (or have already gone...). hope this helps...

-the proud (and now broke) owner of a new iMac...

Man My iMac G5 20' just blew this morning. I had my power supply replace about 6 months ago. I went to get on my imac and it was dead. First thing I did was take the cover off and do the little LED test, but I noticed my popped capacitors before anything else. Sucks but I got to order a 24" 3.06 GHz. WooHoo.