Unable to Connect to PC from MAC


I got MAC system recently. I am trying to connect to my office computer which is Windows XP using VPN and RDC. From windows based system this is working fine where as from MAC i am able to connect to VPN but not able to connect to my machine using Microsoft Remote Desktop for MAC software. i disabled firewall options and i enabled Allow Remote users options on my office pc. Can you help me out how to fix this ?

Hi Kiran, so you are using the Mac OS X version of Microsoft Remote Desktop right?

Open Console (Applications > Utilities) and keep that open while you try to connect. Does either RDP or Console show error messages? What will show in Console when the connection fails?
Hi Guys,

I have the same problem. Im running mac os x and im trying to connect to my office pc running windows xp proffessional.

On the pc, i have allowed remote access and made it an exception in the firewall.

On RDC, i enter the PC's I.P address, then im prompted to enter a username and password. I enter 'Administrator' and the password.

I get the following error message.....
''You were disconnected from the Windows-based computer because of network problems. Verify that your network and Internet connections are working, and then try reconnecting to the Windows-based computer.''

Any ideas how to solve this. I have searched and searched for an answer online but the usually troubleshooting is not working.

Yes i believe so. I can use remote desktop through a website called logmein.com with no problems.

I tried to open a new port named remote with port 3389 and it said it was already in use.

How can i tell if it is open? The link you sent explains how to change the listening port.
I suggest TeamViewer (www.teamviewer.com). It's free and works on PC and Mac. I think it will solve your problem; remote desktop works using LAN or internet and VPN connection works even better.
I hope this was helpful.
''Telnet to your machine over that port.''

Sorry but what does that mean ;)

Zaziziou - Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into it but i really wanted to get the windows for mac remote connection working. A friend of mine uses it all the time and swears by it.

I'm using LogMeIn.com now and its soo annoying. Very jumpy and delayed big time.

Thanks anyway
If you try telnet, e.g. from terminal, you should either get a valid or an invalid response.
telnet xx.xx.xx.xx yy
Where xx.xx.xx.xx is the ip and yy the port number
Goodevening to all.
Did any of you make some progress with this. I too would like to use the Microsoft RDP client but am getting the "You were disconnected from the Windows-based computer because of network problems." message. AS suggested by macdad and giaguara, I telnetted to my pc's ip and port, and telnet replied "connection refused"

Any ideas,
I too had the same problem. when i type in the pc name and try to connect it will not let me connect, however when i use the ip address it connects fine. can any one shed any light on this.

p.s. i too use team viewer. nice program.