Unable to connect wifi issue


Google "Unable to connect iPad" and you will find a large number of people dealing with a very frustrating and seemingly known yet unaddressed problem. Resetting network settings, rebooting routers, updating firmware on routers, static ips and more and more, all to accomodate the buggy iPad while every other wireless device in the house hums along fine. Since there are very sharp Apple experts here, can you help me understand what the heck is going on? What did Apple miss? Why? I don't get it. This is not what I am used to from Apple.

As for my own solution, though I really don't want to reward Apple for this, but I was already thinking of replacing my old tired d-link router with an Apple Extreme Base Station (better range, less hassle...). What do you think - will this forever end my "Unable to connect" issues and will it also give me the best wireless network at home? Also I am positively drooling over Apple TV for $90. My days of paying more each month to Comcast than the gas company are slowly coming to an end! :)