Unable To Install Bt Voyager 105 Driver On Mac OS X Leopard


Saw on googling that a post with this title has already been posted but on searching forum couldn't find it.

Just bought a new iMac loaded with OSX 10.5. Thought I'd use the BT Voyager USB ADSL modem which I have used successfully on my previous iMac (running 10.3). I inserted the cd that came originally with the modem and ran the 'install drivers for OSX' option. Window then indicates installation complete BUT... pop up Internet Connect window then states "The selected communication device does not exist. Please verify your settings and try again". Help notes specify switching off Bluetooth - which I did. Also says don't connect modem until drivers are installed - which I didn't. Is this modem incompatible with OSX 10.5? Or am I missing something?