The first time I hit the F12 key, I can hear some sound from the drive but the tray does not come out. On subsequent hits of the F12 key, I don't even hear the drive. I tried this in both OS X 1.2 and also OS 9.2.2, thinking it might be a software problem, but it doesn't work. I tried inserting a paper clip into the little hole and I couldn't press on anything although I'm probably not trained in the use of paper clips. There is no disc in the drive, so it isn't the problem with a stuck disc. BTW, the machine is only 3 weeks old and the drive has been functioning perfectly until now (should have waited for the 14.1" iBook... oh well).
Do you guys think this is a simple problem or I have a bad drive?
Do you guys think this is a simple problem or I have a bad drive?