Unable to remove boot camp partition


When I first got my MacBook Pro, I used Boot Camp to make a 10GB partition. I installed Windows on it and everything worked fine. Since then, I have reinstalled Mac OS X once. Now that I have Paralells I no longer need that partition, so I want to remove it. I got the new version of Boot Camp from Apple.com (however this is not the version I used to create the partition in the first place... though I don't think that should matter). I installed it, and selected to the option to restore my startup disk to a single partition drive. It does it's little thing (I think it does, because it shows a progress bar), and then brings me to a screen where it tells me I need to restart. So it seems like everything worked out fine. But when I boot back up, the partition is still there. I've done this 3 times and it's still there. Does anybody know what the problem is? Has anybody had this problem before? Should I try to remove the partition with something like iPartition? Any information would be appreciated!
